Missionaries are the true heroes of today - men, women and children who have surrendered all and determined to fulfill the Great Commission by carrying the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to the farthest corners of the globe.

(DISCLAIMER: I am a member of an Independent, Fundamental KJV-preaching, soul-winning Baptist Church in Lubbock, Texas. However, this blog is my own creation and is not a ministry of Bethany Baptist Church. Missionaries featured in this space may or may not be supported by my church. Inclusion in this list does not imply any affiliation with Bethany Baptist Church, nor does it offer any extra "in" for a missionary to present his work at our church. Inviting a missionary to our church is not my decision, but my Pastor's. I'm sorry to have to include this, but don't want to have any misunderstandings to come out of what is intended to be a blessing.)

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Ringing out the old with a brand new Friend!

Well, here in West Texas it is now less than an hour until 2012 begins. This has been a whirlwind year for all of us and I can't wait to see what God has for us starting tomorrow morning!

But quick before all of that, I am tickled to death to take you guys all the way back to Tanzania, East Africa, to meet another great missionary family.

Bill and Tammy Brouwer have been on this field since 1993. Mrs. Tammy publishes a blog called "Tanzania Tidbits" that can be found here: http://life-in-tz.blogspot.com/

One thing I found here that I haven't seen yet anywhere else is a column where the Brouwers post prayer requests for their ministry. What a tremendous addition, as it will give you some specific areas where you can pray for this family.

Please stop by and see what is going on in the life of the Brouwers and their ministry. As usual, I encourage you to subscribe to their blog and their email updates so you can keep them fresh in your minds. (Also don't forget to subscribe to this blog and sign up for updates when I add a new missionary!)

Hope you all have (had???) a wonderful New Years Day and a great 2012. Please determine that this year will be the best yet for the cause of missions around the world.

In Christ,

Bro. Garry

1 comment:

  1. So glad you are still finding more missionaries to add!
