Missionaries are the true heroes of today - men, women and children who have surrendered all and determined to fulfill the Great Commission by carrying the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to the farthest corners of the globe.

(DISCLAIMER: I am a member of an Independent, Fundamental KJV-preaching, soul-winning Baptist Church in Lubbock, Texas. However, this blog is my own creation and is not a ministry of Bethany Baptist Church. Missionaries featured in this space may or may not be supported by my church. Inclusion in this list does not imply any affiliation with Bethany Baptist Church, nor does it offer any extra "in" for a missionary to present his work at our church. Inviting a missionary to our church is not my decision, but my Pastor's. I'm sorry to have to include this, but don't want to have any misunderstandings to come out of what is intended to be a blessing.)

Sunday, October 6, 2013

A pair of Bloggers in Ghana, West Africa

Well, it's time for me to try and get caught up with my blogs again.  I appreciate everyone who follows this space even when it does take four months for me to post anything new.

This time, I'm happy to introduce you to a missionary couple who chronicle their lives in Ghana, West Africa, through his-and-hers blogs.

First we have Bro. Matthew Siekbert, who blogs at http://matthewsiekbert.blogspot.com/.  Bro. Matthew is joined by his wife, Mrs. Jackie Siekbert, whose "Jackie's Journal" can be found here:  http://jackiesiekbert.blogspot.com/.

Next month will mark a decade of service in Ghana for the Siekberts, who stay busy with evangelism, soul-winning, training local believers and building a local independent Baptist church.

Bro. Matthew's blog chronicles ministry updates, including their monthly prayer letters.  Mrs. Jackie really opens the door to their lives with updates on family, pictures of church members and much more.

Please take some time and check out the Siekberts and their blogs.  In fact, they would probably love it if you'd sign up for email updates and post an occasional comment to posts you read.  (A positive, encouraging comment can make a blogger's day!)

One more thing - please keep the Siekberts and all of our missionary heroes in your prayers.  These men and women have sacrificed more than most of us can imagine to follow God's call to the mission field.  If you don't know what to pray for, just ask and they'll let you know.

As we look at our world, it becomes more and more clear that the Church Age is nearly over.  We must Pray More, Give More and, if called, Go Farther than ever for the cause of missions.

In Christ,

Bro. Garry


  1. Thank you Bro. Garry, for the encouragement and for having us on your blog. We would love for you to stop by our blogs!

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