Well, it's been far too long since I've posted - it's amazing how intrusive things like jobs, church, brand new grandbabies and other things can be!! But we're back and so, without further ado, let's hop aboard our virtual plane and zip around the world right back to one of our favorite places - Ukraine - to meet Mrs. Kelsie Steele, author of "Be of Good Courage."
Mrs. Kelsie's blog can be found here: http://kelsiesteele.blogspot.com/, where she invites us to enjoy "Stories, Snippets and Snapshots from my Life in Ukraine."
Mrs. Kelsie, her husband Bro. Josh and their three children have lived for seven years in Lviv, Ukraine. I really enjoyed seeing the pictures she posted of Lviv; it sure makes it come alive for me to see pictures of our missionaries and their places where they live.
I would really encourage you to stop by the Steeles and see what they're doing. They've had lots of adventures and I'm sure there are many more to come. While you're there, be sure and sign up for their email updates - it's a great way to keep up with this family and their ministry.
I encourage you to keep praying for the Steele family, as well as all of the other missionaries who have been spotlighted here. Time is running short and there are so many who have not made decisions for Christ.
Please join with me to pray more, give more and, if you have been called, go farther than ever before for the cause of Missions.
Until next time, may God bless each of you as you continue to serve Him.
Bro. Garry
A clearing house of Independent Baptist missionary blogs that exists to raise awareness of world missions and provoke us to pray more, give more and go farther for the cause of Christ.
Missionaries are the true heroes of today - men, women and children who have surrendered all and determined to fulfill the Great Commission by carrying the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to the farthest corners of the globe.
(DISCLAIMER: I am a member of an Independent, Fundamental KJV-preaching, soul-winning Baptist Church in Lubbock, Texas. However, this blog is my own creation and is not a ministry of Bethany Baptist Church. Missionaries featured in this space may or may not be supported by my church. Inclusion in this list does not imply any affiliation with Bethany Baptist Church, nor does it offer any extra "in" for a missionary to present his work at our church. Inviting a missionary to our church is not my decision, but my Pastor's. I'm sorry to have to include this, but don't want to have any misunderstandings to come out of what is intended to be a blessing.)
(DISCLAIMER: I am a member of an Independent, Fundamental KJV-preaching, soul-winning Baptist Church in Lubbock, Texas. However, this blog is my own creation and is not a ministry of Bethany Baptist Church. Missionaries featured in this space may or may not be supported by my church. Inclusion in this list does not imply any affiliation with Bethany Baptist Church, nor does it offer any extra "in" for a missionary to present his work at our church. Inviting a missionary to our church is not my decision, but my Pastor's. I'm sorry to have to include this, but don't want to have any misunderstandings to come out of what is intended to be a blessing.)
That was a great day and I love reading it.
ReplyDeleteGod Bless!
family care foundation (fcf)